Sunday 9 October 2011


Hitched a ride into Singapore with Mike & Ting as they took Zak to the zoo. The Singapore immigration building seems to have been built by fans of George Orwell's 1984. Chewing gum is prominently listed alongside drugs, knuckle dusters and ninja death stars as strictly prohibited. Next to us in the bike lane, hundreds of scooters try to funnel themselves into a single lane, the joining riders tooting their horns as if it would make the slightest difference!

In Singapore the roads and buildings are all manicured and maintained beautifully and it's extraordinary to see such high density housing looking so perfectly presented. The architecture of the city downtown is also extraordinary. The new Marina Bay hotel with it's rooftop park and pool that sits atop three towers was astonishing. The lift to the 57th floor took 30 seconds!

We met our niece and her family and they took us around and of course to eat! The metro is ultra smooth, efficient and clean. I loved the fact that the trains are fully automatic and as there is no driver, you can have a front drivers view of the tunnel ahead. But the humidity is overwhelming, walking just a hundred meters and I'm dripping ...

The visit was cut short in the late afternoon as we got a call from Ting to say I had her passport and she couldn't leave Singapore! Oops... Mad dash in a taxi across Singapore ensued. To say I'm in the dog house was an understatement ... The crossing back to the chaos of JB took nearly two hours due to the traffic. We were then taken to a street Market restaurant at about 11pm and enjoyed the food and human atmosphere lacking in clinical Singapore. I think I need a holiday, but today, Sunday, we face a 6 hour journey back to KL and a Dawn flight to Cambodia tomorrow ...

The immigration building.p

Bike rush

Sue Sings family

Hey, that,s my hat!

Marina Bay

Back eating on the street in JB

A wedding car!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPadTouch

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...