Monday 10 October 2011


The express train is as slow as the ticket sales. 45 minutes to buy a ticket and seven hours to get to KL... No seats available so it was a day sleeper berth which was a carriage filled with double bunks and curtains for some privacy. So it was a matter of lounging the hours away (with no refreshment available) as the train hurtled along at an average 40mph with occasional stops for no discernible reason. It was ok if tedious.

Up at 5am and to the low cost carrier terminal for the flight to Cambodia. Think of Easy Jet on steroids and what felt like half of Asia trying to catch a plane and you might get a sense of the place. The walk out to the plane felt like catching a bus- the plane is in bay 64 over on the right, hurry!

Flying into Sien Reap it was clear they are suffering serious flooding as water flows into the country from Thailand. All the rivers had burst their banks with villages swamped. The city is only partially affected it seems.

Immigration was efficient with a line of 12 smartly uniformed police that each in turn handle and inspect your passport, fresh ID photo (that you brought with you, right?) and cash fee of 20 dollars before handing it back to you at the end of the line. Next stop customs to be photographed, finger printed and finally a tourist visa stamp issued. Welcome to Cambodia!

Sleeper class.

Dawn departure.

Flooded village.

Arrival at Sien Reap.


Posted using BlogPress from my iPadTouch

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