Friday 7 October 2011

Johor Bahru

Arrived in JB late afternoon yesterday, after a four hour express coach journey and was picked up by 'nine phones Calvin' who in fact had slimmed down to just six phones. (Many fingers in many pies) With his new wife in tow, along with Ting and Mike who has arrived the previous day, we were taken to a swanky new Sushi bar. I bravely sampled all the raw fish on offer... Very exotic and rather nice!

The coach journey was interesting... Sitting at the back I could stretch my legs and enjoy the massage from the diesel engine and was catapulted from my seat by potholes only a couple of times. The noise of the creaking springs was almost as loud as the engine itself and the shock absorbers had long since given up.

Interestingly, for the whole four hours my nearby unknown traveling companion next to me, kept her nose and mouth covered with tissue paper. To protect herself from me or the fumes, I'm not sure.

The coach stopped alarmingly once in the middle of the motorway, trucks and cars whizzing past on either side. Had we broken down? No, it was just someone's stop and they sauntered away and we carried on, re-joining the traffic as normal. Breathtaking.

This evening, across the border into Singapore.

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Calvin & Pin

Posted using BlogPress from my iPadTouch

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...