Friday 17 March 2023

Theatre & High Cross Church

To get this shot would be quite simple you'd think. But Murphy's law dictates all endeavours it seems. So it was that on the night I chose, the council decides to dig the road up and put traffic lights and other obstacles strew around. Plus, two great big car/vans decide to park outside the theatres entrance obscuring it almost completely. Nothing I can do about that. But it still can work. So I choose the viewpoint, set up tripod and camera and wait, cable release in hand, for the light to fade enough for the shot to work as I want it. 

I now have only a few minutes left before the light fades to complete darkness as I wait for a car, just ONE car, to drive past and provide the trail lights I require. Nothing. But still, I'm entertained by humorous  remarks directed towards me from youths in cars blaring thumping rap music while waiting at the temporary traffic lights. Still nothing and its getting darker. Two cars come the wrong way around and are useless. Still nothing. I'm about to admit defeat when one car turns in and I hit the shutter. All things come to those that wait... 

And on a previous wet and miserable night...

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...