Saturday 26 April 2014


Another shot re-edited. The hat on this chap niggled me until I cropped it down and in so doing brought  his eyes up into the upper half of the composition. Some snow areas which had blown out were also removed. Doing this minimises annoying visual distractions and keeps the face, and the character, the main PoV. Worthwhile exercise as it works better I think overall.  


  1. You know I know less than I about anything visual. However, (you knew that would follow, right?) when I held my hand over even more of the hat, I liked the eyes and framing even more. Still, a good shot, Peter.

    1. I was tempted to go further along the same route you suggest but in the end decided that some context should remain, otherwise it's just a bloke in a hood. I think the problem is I know what that thing is on his head (hard hat and ear defenders) but it's not obvious in the picture.

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...