Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Night Train

The weather has turned cold and foggy. Excellent! For photography anyway... Bland, blue skies are boring. Give me storms and bad weather any day. Last night I ventured out into my ordinarily boring and bland world to find it transformed into mysterious murk. (Having it hidden from you by mist makes it far more attractive). But the downside was that most people are sensible and don't go out. Unless they have to. So whereas it was all very photogenic, I felt I did need some people in my pictures to give them a bit of life. Even at the train station, there were few to none about. I waited a fair time for someone to appear for this shot, but just as the train started to leave, this old geezer luckily for me wandered onto the platform. What I really wanted of course was a proper steam train, snorting and belching fire, instead I had to make do with this grotty commuter train. 
Nikon D90 50mm at f1.4 1/40th, iso 200.

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...