Monday 9 April 2012

Dawn Exercise

It's supposed to be healthy and good for you. And I actually do like the dawn atmosphere when I manage to rouse myself from a warm bed. And just like doing Tai-Chi, it's a good idea. I get it. But somehow I just can't get around to actually doing it... 

However, in order to photograph these good people in Malaysia, I did manage to get up and out. And I'm glad I did. Fortunately they carried on in the cool of the morning and ignored me wandering around them. If I was disturbing their concentration (which I probably was of course) they politely didn't let on. Inner calm, see. 

Shooting in the dim light of dawn is a little tricky. Using the Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron, the camera was happily almost inaudible and didn't annoy them as much as say a big SLR might. As these folks were moving and it was still fairly dark, I had to use a higher iso of 400asa. Shooting wide open at f2 this combination gave me a shutter speed of 1/350th and was enough to capture the movement. I do like the look of concentration on this woman's face and especially the way the dawn light is halo-lighting her fingers like some form of etherial glow.

In the afternoons the heat is oppressive and, in the absense of any a/c, there is nothing much to do but endure. This family just about summed it up! Shooting hand-held in available light, M9 + 35mm Summicron at 400asa 1/64th second at f2, I just love the drained floppiness of everyone.

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...