Monday 3 October 2011


Last night our extended Malaysian family took us out to an extraordinary noisy and vibrant local seafood restaurant. We all sat at two large tables watched over by our food which swam nervously in five tiers of tanks above us. I'm not a great fan of fish, but I ate all that was presented to me and it tasted delicious! Prawn, crab, carp, clams, razor shell, scallops with spices and vegetables. At the end I was surprised with a large birthday cake and what seemed like a hundred cameras pointing at me and everyone singing happy birthday! Very touching. A very good night with some excellent wine and great company. Enjoyed every minute!

Today, somehow have to get the train tickets for the journey to Malacca tomorrow but still a little hungover from last night... And my yahoo mail is down since Saturday annoyingly. The wi-fi is intermittent as well. Still, it'll give me the chance to read my book The Finkler Question by Howard Jacobson.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPadTouch

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