Saturday 7 January 2012


Such a sweet girl, but boy, could she pack a punch. 
My head rocked and my skin burnt as she hit me again and again.
‘Don’t you DO this to me, you bastard!’ she screamed hysterically.
I didn’t want to do it to her, but I was helpless and remote, unconnected, floating somewhere in a corner of the room, a spectator.
Watching through closed eyes, I saw them drag her off me and out of the room, still screaming, still trying to strike me.
Then a nurse appeared. I saw her look at me, shake her head and turn away. She began removing tubes, cables and switching off machines.
Pain lanced through my chest as I coughed and drew breath. Turning in shock the nurse dropped her tray and above the harsh metallic clatter of spilt medical instruments, I heard her cry:
‘Doctor! Doctor! He’s alive!’


  1. Ha ha...very hilarious. I would have never guessed. :D

  2. Thanks, IR, glad it made you smile!


That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...