Wednesday 26 October 2011


The top photograph is the same female monk featured on the post previously, but this time she is giving her blessing in return for a donation. 

The middle picture is of our Tuc-Tuc drivers family at their home, with our driver himself proudly holding up his daughter alongside his son for the last picture. What you can't see is that the area is flooded, the water kept out by banks of sand-bags yet life goes on as if nothing much has happened. If you look closely to the bottom left of the last shot you can see the waters.

The top two are shot using the 35mm Summicron while the last was taken using the 16mm fish-eye. The grandmother had a certain twinkle in her eyes which is clearly visible in this shot. 

I hadn't planned on using the fish-eye, it just happened to be on the camera and as things moved spontaneously fast I just shot quickly from the hip. As it turns out, the fish-eye gives a remarkably intimate portrait. I was so close I was almost touching them, the camera held at waist level and unnoticed. He was not holding up his children to be photographed, he was introducing me to them, and their expressions are, I feel, open yet guarded. Not shy of a camera, but instead naturally wary of a stranger. 


  1. Hi Peter, looks like you have had a great trip, all be it a little wet, looking forward to seeing the images post processing.


  2. Very wet, Mark. Still, it was more interesting in a way!

  3. Love the first two— using the summicron with shallow dof helps to give those two shots such interesting depth. I think, but what do I know. Could be the photographer more than the Leica, ya think?

  4. Thanks Jan, yeah I love the depth that lens gives. All I have to do is press the button!


That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...