Sunday 25 September 2011

London Life Part 2

                                                                    (click to view larger)

Walking up Holborn, I met some more quite interesting people along the way. First up and from top left of the picture, and enjoying a coffee in the late summer weather was Lucy, awaiting an interview for a nursing job prior to heading back to Manchester, I hope she gets the position as she was delightful. Next I found the equally delightful and striking Mimi waiting to cross the road and who, (after her shock at me bursting into her life), told me she is interested in all things spiritual and hopes to begin healing classes soon. A lovely lady who I see has joined the followers of this blog! Welcome Mimi! Perhaps if I keep this up, all the featured folks here might have a get together in some pub one day, who knows? Next up I saw these two teens deeply engaged in conversation on the steps. A little bit wary of me at first (quite rightly so!) they nevertheless happily posed for a quick shot. Lastly there was Becky and her pet, Buddy the sheep dog. At 23 Becky has already been rough sleeping in the city for five years. Simply an appalling waste of a young life but Becky had a robust and cheerful attitude that should see her right.

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That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...