Saturday, 16 July 2011


(Flying the flag in the USA)

Two weeks ago, Chris, my eldest's boyfriend came to me and privately asked permission for my daughters hand. He was a little nervous but of course I was happy to give my blessing. Sworn to secrecy, I'm only now allowed to reveal this after he took her away this weekend to Wales and today proposed to her while walking on the beach. I believe she said ... Yes! No idea on the details of when and where as yet, but probably next year I'm guessing.

The picture above was taken almost two years ago so I think I'll have to do an 'official' engagement portrait if I can persuade them to stay in one spot for more than a few seconds ...

1 comment:

  1. such a happy piece of news! :)) I love the traditional way (that he asked you first etc), you gotta tell us how the proposal went... the suspense is unbearable!! :P


That's It Folks!

  The gate is now shut. With no one around, it's time to turn off the lights and leave. It's been fun and maybe one day someone will...